The future of Michigan’s state fish is in jeopardy. You can help.
Although nearly all of the northern Michigan rivers that connect to the Great Lakes teem with steelhead and salmon, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources wants to send steelhead, a non-native species, up the Boardman River. Doing so would turn the Boardman into another homogenized stream and would decimate a self-sustaining wild brook trout fishery that has seen a resurgence due to the removals of three dams and a cooling of the river.
Find out how you can add your voice to the many voices who are telling the DNR that adding steelhead to the Boardman River is bad public policy.
Read our resolution, meet our founding members, and see how you can contact us for more information.
Read scientific studies, DNR documents and other materials that describe the perils facing the brook trout.
Breaking News:
“A hatchery rainbow is to a wild brown trout as a bald eagle is to one of Frank Perdue’s chickens.””